

There’s me in my 50s style kitchen waiting for my husband to come home from his job in the city.  Not really though.

Hello, you. My name is Aoife and i thunk i can has cook. I hope to keep this blog up as a record of the recipes that worked for me, and the ones that didn’t.

I’d been toying with the idea of a food blog since I gave up my last blog. The idea was brought on when I found myself wanting to get back into the kitchen after moving into a new flat with my mister. Now, let me point out that nialler (as he shall so forth be known) is a handy cook who makes me delicious stir-fries and yummy curries when I work late and am tired. But, much as I hate to pander to social cliches, I have been doing most of the cooking since we moved in together. This is largely because the minute I understood that the oven was sort of kinda mine (after years living in flat-shares and the like) I turned into my mother/army battalion general. It’s the weirdest thing.

It was last weekend, when my tastebuds were treated to such an array of finger-smackingly good food under such delightful circumstances, that I was prompted to start this blog.

The eating adventure began on a Thursday when we made this dinner for this deadly dude and his lovely lady. On the Friday we had a very good meal indeed with some very lovely people indeed. It then continued with a present of a cookbook (mentioned below) right through to Sunday lunch with good friends. The good food continued until Tuesday and, I hope, will keep doing so until the forseeable future. I also bought a strawberry plant over the weekend, in the hopes of starting some kind of growth on my fourth floor city centre balcony. It’s possible! The first few blog posts up here on I Can Has Cook will be the last five days of pleasurable eating.

I also listen to a lot of music when I cook, so I’ll be putting up an mp3 with each post. If you feel that this is morally wrong and against the charitable, kind nature of the music business, then I will think you are a bit silly, but if you ask me nicely, of course, I will remove the offending mp3s.

Now – I have two, possibly three, sources at the moment from whence I collect my recipes. It will be from these sources that I will be sharing with you. I hope that doesn’t break some kind of food blogging code that I’ve failed to pick up on because I’ve been hanging out with the music bloggers on the other side of the web.

There’s BBC Good Food which is…..amazing. My life has changed since logging on. I no longer spend hours surfing the net looking at bitchy comments on forum threads, but instead I spend whole evening perusing the archives of this incredible website. It’s mental!

For my birthday recently, nialler’s really lovely mum gave me present of Jamie at Home, which of course, I just love. I like watching the TV programme because I like the same kind of food that Jamie likes – lovely mozarella and tangy tomatoes and beautiful basil. His passion for food is postively infectious – I love that he grows stuff at home and concentrates on feeding friends rather than being fancy and pretentious.

The third source is a few other recipe books lying around as well as variations of things that I’ve eaten in cafes and restaurants around Dublin.

And so…I hope you enjoy this new blog.

For our first mp3, how about this little ditty from Harry Nilsson? I imagine most people remember Kermit’s version as opposed to Harry’s. Probably one of my favourite food related songs.
Harry Nilsson – Coconut


Lolcats. Lol.

Categories: Blog Trips


  1. Charmed that you is joining the ranks of the food bloggerati. I will be tuning in to see wot pukka stuff you has cooked!

  2. Thanks AoifeSpud! Nice lolcat grammar. Rock it! Or should that be…rocket?

    Ok. Ok. First and last food joke involving rocket.


  3. I was only saying to Darragh last night that the meal you made us was one of the nicest I’ve had! Thank you again :D x

  4. Thank you Loreana! x

  5. Ooooooh new favourite blog.

  6. Thanks Catherine!

  7. This is going to be a regular stop for me. Nyom. Even the photos are making me hungry…

  8. Thanks Darragh! Glad you like the photos because I’m still just getting the hang of the camera and the first few pics definitely didn’t look very appetizing at all :)